Venäjä: Sašalle seitsemän vuoden vankeustuomio sodanvastaisten tarrojen tähden

Venäjä: Sašalle seitsemän vuoden vankeustuomio sodanvastaisten tarrojen tähden

Vetoomus suljetaan pian

Vaadin, että mielipidevanki Aleksandra Skotšilenko vapautetaan välittömästi ja ehdoitta.



Krasnov Igor Viktorovich
Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation
ul. Bolshaya Dmitrovka, 15a, str. 1,
GSP-3, Moscow, 125993
Russian Federation

Dear Prosecutor General,

I am writing to urge you to ensure the immediate and unconditional release of artist Aleksandra Skochilenko, who has been sentenced to seven years in prison, for “disseminating knowingly false information about Russian Armed Forces” (Article 207.3 of the Criminal Code). This is not an internationally recognised crime as it restricts the human right to freedom of expression in a manner that is contrary to Russia’s international human rights obligations and its own Constitution.

Aleksandra Skochilenko is a prisoner of conscience as she has been imprisoned solely for exercising her right to freedom of expression.

Aleksandra Skochilenko has serious health problems – she suffers from celiac disease and heart disease. According to her doctors, Aleksandra requires adequate medical supervision and a strict gluten-free diet, which is not available in the penitentiary system. She has already been in custody for more than a year and a half. Her health condition deteriorated greatly during this detention, and further incarceration will make it worse and may put her life in danger.

I urge you to ensure that Aleksandra Skochilenko is released immediately and unconditionally. Her verdict must be overturned. Meanwhile, taking into account her health conditions and doctors’ recommendations I urge you to ensure that Aleksandra Skochilenko is held in conditions that meet international standards and is urgently provided the adequate medical care she requires.

Yours sincerely,